Club Officer Training – 24 August 2023


17:30 – 18:00 Registration and networking
Snacks and soft drinks will be available
18:00 – 18:20 Welcome and Opening speech
It’s a new Toastmasters year, and we’re ready to learn. Come join us and prepare for this Toastmasters year! Help us reach our division and district goals for this year. We promise to make the training fun, while putting a high emphasis on learning.
18:20 – 18:40 Let’s get to know each other
The more people we know in this organisation, the easier it is to support each other; the easier it is to learn from each other; and the easier it is to grow together. Let’s get to know our fellow club officers in a fun and engaging manner.
18:40 – 19:00 Club officer roles training
Get ready to take on your new role! We know and appreciate that club officers dedicate valuable time and provide a tremendous service to our Division and District. We’d like to give you all the tools you need to take on this huge task. Learn from your fellow club officers and an experienced team of past officers who will moderate and lead the group discussions for the various roles.
19:00 — 19:15 Break
19:15 — 20:45 Success Leadership Plan
One of the most important tools we have to manage our clubs, and to ensure its continuous growth and success is the Club Success Plan. The Club Success Plan is a planning document for defining the goals of a club. Club officers create a Club Success Plan at the start of their leadership year in order to help them focus their efforts and the efforts of the club as a whole during their term in office. Learn how to use this tool effectively in our interactive workshop presented in English and German.
Room 1English Room 2German Room 3English
20:45 — 21:00 Wrap up and closing
Final thoughts and future plans…
21:00 — 22:00 Networking
Take the opportunity to learn more about your fellow officers in a non-formal setting. Join us for drinks and a chat.
Organised by the Division E Council Team